You're My Mother's Day*
Sadly, that's not a typo. A common side effect of dementia can see those living with it fail to recognise family members.
And, with 65% of those with dementia being women, many are mothers.
Ahead of Mother’s Day, we’re looking to create a talking point and raise awareness about the wider symptoms of dementia, encouraging people to stop, think and learn more about the condition, which has been the leading cause of death for women since 2011.
Whilst memory loss and this decline in recognition are often the first symptoms people think of when they hear the word dementia, the reality is dementia is much more complicated than that.
Dementia isn’t what you think
First things first, it’s important to recognise that people with dementia can continue to live fulfilling lives for many years.
And another thing to recognise is that no two dementias are the same.
Every person living with dementia will have a different experience, developing different symptoms based on the type of dementia they have.
There are four ‘common’ types of dementia – Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia – but there are more than 200 other types, with each form presenting differing symptoms.
The common symptoms of dementia include:
- Memory loss
- Confusion
- Language/conversational problems
- Behavioural problems
However, there are many unusual symptoms too. These can include things as varied as:
- Persistently adjusting clothing
- Disinhibition
- Keeping meticulous notes about everyday things
- Hoarding items that may seem excessive
- Being very anxious about money
Each different symptom won’t necessarily point to a specific type of dementia on its own. Groups of symptoms, however, can sometimes indicate a person may have a certain type of dementia.
Did you know? More than 900,000 people in the UK, live with dementia – and this is projected to rise to 1.6 million people by 2040.1
Why does dementia occur?
The principal cause of dementia is the death of brain cells, which can be caused by a multitude of reasons, such as blocked veins or reduced oxygen flow.
Some forms of dementia can be caused by trauma, such as head injuries or from excessive alcohol intake. Other, rarer causes can be from infections such as syphilis or diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.
Some people who have long-term, progressive neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, MS or Huntington’s can also develop dementia, however, this isn’t always the case.
Dementia is a varied disease that affects people in all sorts of ways. Every person will have a different experience and will develop different symptoms based on the type of dementia that person has and how the brain is changing through that journey.
Did you know? 209,600 people will develop dementia this year – that’s one every three minutes.1
If someone you know is displaying symptoms of dementia, what should you do?
The first step is always to speak to the person and ask them if they are OK or if they have noticed anything wrong or different; be honest about your worries.
This may upset the person initially, but it can also help them to realise they’re not alone and people care about how they’re feeling.
Their GP is always the first port of call to get advice and support – as long as the person consents to this, of course (if they are able to do so).
Try not to argue with the person or try to tell them what they are doing is wrong – as what they are doing will likely feel perfectly normal to them.
What are the most obvious symptoms?
The most common symptoms are usually reduced short-term memory, however, this isn’t solely a symptom of dementia – so it isn’t necessarily a guaranteed indicator. Other common or obvious symptoms may be getting muddled when performing day-to-day tasks, being more reluctant to go out or engage with people, putting items in ‘odd’ places.
Changes in personality can be a sign of frontotemporal dementia, with examples being acting inappropriately or impulsively, appearing selfish of unsympathetic, neglecting personal hygiene or overeating.
Again though, not all of these are necessarily signs of dementia – but if a pattern emerges it can be an indicator of dementia as the underlying cause.
Did you know? Dementia has been the leading cause of death for women since 2011.
Are there any ways to lower your risk of developing dementia?
Smoking and alcohol consumption are key factors in increasing the risk of dementia as these have a direct impact on brain cell health.
It’s important to keep your brain as healthy as possible. Maintaining good social contact with people, for instance, can be a large factor as loneliness is proven to have an impact on brain function and health.
Much like we do exercise to keep our bodies physically healthy, we should be doing the same for our brains. So, it’s worth doing brain exercises such as word games, puzzles or engaging in something you enjoy – which can be anything from listening to music, doing crafts or gardening. Basically, anything that stimulates your brain is good for it.
Some dementias are also linked to physical health, so people who maintain a healthy cholesterol may find their risk of vascular related dementias are reduced.
It’s not just an old person’s illness either, with thousands of people under the age of 65 also affected.
Did you know? There are 42,000 people in the UK with dementia who are under 65, something that’s known as young-onset dementia.1
Join the community
Here at CHD Living, we’re looking to host community dementia cafes for those either living with dementia themselves, or who know someone living with dementia and want to learn more.
Offering advice and guidance to those who need it, they will also help put you in touch with those going through a similar journey to you.
Our dementia care
Early support and intervention for people with dementia can help them to retain independence for longer, allowing them to live fulfilling lives for as long as possible.
Our dementia care services provide a solution that covers the entire dementia pathway.
Our care at home teams can provide the support that’s needed to help those living with dementia to remain safe at home for as long as possible, encouraging independence and maintaining daily routines, while continuing to engage with the local community – with support on hand to ensure nutritional needs are met and medication is safely managed.
By maintaining care needs at home, we look to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions or long-term care admissions, with this support progressing as needed to meet changing needs. Our care team can also assist with future care planning and end of life planning, while acting as a healthcare liaison service and providing family support and dementia training.
If care needs are greater than those that can be met at home, we also have a number of Residential and Nursing homes that can provide the long-term dementia care and support that may be required.
At CHD Living, we’re all about supporting people on their dementia journey, enabling fulfilling lives, while putting dignity and respect at the heart of what we do.
Find out more about dementia
There are many dementia charities doing outstanding work in raising awareness around the condition, and you can find out more via their websites.
These charities include the Alzheimer's Society and Dementia UK, while the NHS is another fantastic resource.
And Alzheimer's Research UK in particular has done some excellent research into dementia's disproportionate impact on women, which you can read here.
1Source: Alzheimer’s Society, 2019: